Arkansas is situated in the heart of the Ozarks, and if you know anything about these Mountains, simply put it is God’s Country. Hank Williams Jr. even wrote a song about the weed from the Ozarks. Thankfully, in 2016 Arkansas finally legalized Medical Marijuana use, and even though it took another two full years to get the first dispensary open. Two years later we are finally seeing the matured cultivation facilities get into their groove.

Arkansas Medical Marijuana Strains 2020

Like most people, I used Marijuana before it was legal for medical use. My first trip to a medical marijuana dispensary was overwhleming (and exciting). But after my first trip I realized I know next to nothing about the various marijuana strains. To complicate things even more, we have several specific strains being grown locally. Note: All Marijuana sold in Arkansas must be gornw in Arkansas per State Law.

Over the past year I have been testing new Flower, Concentrate, and Vape strains from dispensaries all over Arkansas. I made it a point to try a wife variety of strains: Pure Indica, Sativa, hybrids, etc. I even made my own Vape Cartridges, but that is a story for another article.

Arkansas Strains 2020

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be detailing all the different strains we’ve tested, and give you our thoughts. Our hope is this can serve as a basic guide to helping others find the best strains for themselves. I cannot emphasize how important finding the RIGHT STRAIN for your needs. Not only will the correct strain help treat your symptoms, but it will also save you a lot of money rather than wasting it on trial and error.


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